
What Addison County said in the ‘COVID and Community’ Survey

Students in a biochemistry course at Middlebury College, in developing the COVID and Community stories, developed and distributed a survey about COVID-19 in fall 2020. The survey was open from Oct. 29 through Nov. 17.
They received responses from 349 participants. Below are aggregated data from the survey.

1) In what town in Addison County do you reside?

2) Rate your concern about COVID-19 on a scale of 1-10. 1 being not concerned and 10 being extremely concerned.

3) On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being insufficient, 5 being excessive), rate the safety precautions (i.e., physical distancing, masks in public, travel quarantine) that Vermont has taken to combat COVID-19.

4) Do you believe wearing a mask in public, such as at the grocery store, should be required?

5) Do you trust that the information about the COVID-19 pandemic has been accurately reported?

6) Participants were asked to check all applicable options in response to the question, In what ways have you personally experienced the virus? The results are as follows:
• 0.6% have tested positive
• 34% have had a family member or friend test positive
• 8% have lost their job
• 23% have been hospitalized or know someone who has been hospitalized due to COVID-19
• 10% have had a family member or friend pass away due to COVID-19
• 50% have switched to online schooling or have had a family member switch to online schooling
• 52% experienced feelings of loneliness or isolation
• 5% have been unable to pay necessary bills on time
• 27% checked “other” and wrote their own response. Some common answers were: feelings of fear and anxiety, having to switch to working from home, not being able to visit family members or friends, delayed access to medical services, challenges regarding childcare, and loss of business

7) Participants were asked to choose three options out of the nine provided in response to the question, What consequences of COVID-19 are you most concerned will persist on a personal, county, and/or national level (following the end of the pandemic)? The results are as follows:
• 69% chose “economic hardship”
• 56% chose “ongoing health problems for those who recovered from COVID-19″• 47% chose “increased distrust of government or public health institutions”
• 43% chose “effects on child development”
• 42% chose “high rates of mental health issues”
• 41% chose “increased unemployment rates ”
• 34% chose “social anxiety”
• 32% chose “altered access to education”
• 6% chose “other” and wrote their own response. One common answer was increased division of our society.

8) If a COVID-19 vaccine were available, would you get it?

9) Participants were asked to check all applicable options in response to the question, Regardless of your previous answer, what, if any of the following concerns, do you have about a COVID-19 vaccine? The results are as follows:
• 3% checked “I have no concerns”
• 61% checked “potential side effects”
• 43% checked “effectiveness at preventing individual cases”
• 57% checked “effectiveness at ending the pandemic (because not enough people will take the vaccine)”
• 68% checked “political influence in vaccine development”
• 10% checked “other” and wrote their own response. One common concern was rushed production of the vaccine.

See the entire COVID and Community series by clicking here.

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