Crime News

Middlebury police seek stories of verbal threats

MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police are investigating an on-going issue involving a male verbally assailing others with racist comments. Authorities are looking for people who have been subject to such behavior.
The police are encouraging anyone who has been subject to racially motivated name calling and bullying to report this to the Middlebury Police Department at 388-3191 or in person at the station on Lucius Shaw Lane off Seymour Street. 
“We’d like to get them in for a statement and hopefully to identify the person suspected of doing this so we can initiate prosecution and compel mental health treatment if  necessary,” Chief Tom Hanley told the Independent.
Police said one person suspected of doing this kind of bullying with racist comments is a white male named “Brian,” who has a large build, wears black cowboy boots, is in his late 30s and lives in the downtown area. 
The police will investigate reports and pursue prosecution for disorderly conduct with a hate crime enhancement, Chief Hanley said.

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