
To spray or not to spray: Bug district honors request

The BLSG Insect Control District honors non-spraying requests and takes strict precautions by creating well-marked buffer zones around personal property and bodies of water. The District requires that a letter be sent annually for those individuals who wish to have their property excluded from either adulticide (spraying) or larvicide (granular) applications. Mosquito adulticides are applied as ultra- low-volume (ULV) sprays. ULV sprayers dispense very fine aerosol droplets that stay aloft and kill flying mosquitoes on contact. Larvicides target the larva in water before they emerge into adult mosquitoes.

For those individuals who wish their property to be excluded, a representative from the District will assist in marking your property with No-Spray stakes alongside the road, posting the property as a No Spray Zone. These fiberglass stakes include reflective red and green tape to signal drivers when to stop and start spraying. No Spray Zones are also constructed around private beehives that are within 350 feet of a public road. These fiberglass stakes are marked with reflectiveyellow and black tape.
In addition to marking the roadside, No Spray Zones are also recorded on large town maps, located at the BLSG facility. Information gathered by the staff such as map changes, routes, hot spots, No Spray Zones and other vital developments are discussed before leaving the facility each night. Each driver also takes a miniature copy of the large town maps, which are also marked with No Spray Zones. To view BLSG District maps, go to blsgmosquito. com/route-maps/.
If you wish to opt out and not have your property treated, send a written request annually to BLSG, PO Box 188, Brandon, VT 05733. Be sure to provide your 911 address, phone number and a property map that delineates your property boundaries on the public right-of-way. Opt outs need to be renewed yearly to ensure accuracy with any changes in property ownership, rentals, beehives, etc. Please be aware that this written request replaces requests that were submitted in previous years.
Further information or comments about adulticiding activities or application exclusion requests can be obtained from the BLSG Insect Control District or by contacting us at 247-6779. If you live in a No Spray Zone and wish to have your property treated contact the District office.
Requests for treatment, as needed for the season, will be answered when received.
Will Mathis BLSG District Coordinator


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