Ask a Master Gardener: How to compost in winter

Compost, the dark, crumbly, earthy-smelling material produced by natural decomposers, provides many benefits to gardeners and non-gardeners alike. Converting garden waste, kitchen scraps and various paper items into compost at home reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and saves households money on garbage fees.

Winter temperatures are rising in county

The unusually balmy winter has affected some local businesses whose offerings rely on cold weather and reflects a larger trend of warming winters driven by human-caused climate change. 

How to weather the winter blues in Vermont

For some Vermonters, winter in New England is far from the most wonderful time of the year.

Jessie Raymond: Warm weather ruins my bad attitude

I love winter in Vermont. At least, I love it for a few weeks.

High winds lash Vermont, downing power lines and closing roads

Winter storm downs trees on Friday, look out for fast falling temperatures late Friday afternoon.

Plan ahead for the big winter storm

Green Mountain Power on Wednesday was tracking multiple forecasts that anticipate very high winds gusting up to 65 mph across Vermont starting Thursday night and lasting through the day on Friday.

New help offered for home weatherization projects

A new program announced last week will add to a suite of incentives available to Vermonters who want to weatherproof their homes. 

The Outside Story: Crows in Winter

During winter, I catch glimpses of crows as they fly swiftly over our valley, cawing, or gather in small groups to feed on roadkill along the highway.

Judith’s Garden: Sleeping Beauty, Part 2

It’s mid- January as I write this article. My garden, and most likely yours too, is sleeping under a light covering of snow.

Ways of seeing: Gentle heat provides pleasing winter thaw

During the beginning of the month, when it wasn’t below zero, I lost heat. Sitting at my computer, not moving around the house or yard, my hands were icy.

Matthew Dickerson: The delight of one outdoor chore

The temperature is in the low teens. My chainsaw hums smoothly. The machine likes this temperature. I stand in six inches of snow next to a huge old maple that got toppled by a strong wind a few weeks ago.

Faith Gong: January in four scenes

During our family’s early years in Vermont, my friend Deborah warned me that January was the coldest month. “There’s usually one week every January when the temperature never gets above freezing,” she said.

Ask a Master Gardener: How to force winter flowers

Forsythia in February? Impossible, you say? Not so. A vase full of flowers from the garden won’t take much more effort than harvesting some branches to force them to bloom.

Jessie Raymond: Too-tight coat gives cold comfort

The tight fit limits my mobility; even the most basic movements, such as reaching across my chest to put on my seatbelt, become full-body workouts. I once hit my target heart rate just trying to close the back hatch on the car.

Judith’s Garden: Sleeping beauty, Part 1

What about the garden in winter, as it sleeps under a blanket snow? This can be equally beautiful. It’s all about the contrast of the seasons — something that I relish about living in the Green Mountain State.