High E.coli levels in 2 rivers explained

High concentrations of E. coli bacteria at recreation sites in the Middlebury and New Haven rivers were likely a result of the timing of the sampling and not indicative of a larger trend.

Grants offered for water quality projects

The Vermont Housing and Conservation Board is offering grants as large as $40,000 to farmers for projects that help protect water quality.

State seeks water monitoring volunteers

This summer, the Vermont Lakes and Ponds Program is seeking volunteers to help monitor and collect information about lakes and ponds in the state.

Community leaders discuss water quality

There’s too much phosphorus in Lake Champlain, and it’s past time to do something about it.

Cooperative effort focuses on water quality in Starksboro

Lewis Creek Association (LCA) and landowners have partnered to plan to improve water quality and reduce flooding risk in the Hollow Brook area near Lazy Brook Mobile Home Park on Hollow Road in Starksboro.

DEC presents talks on water quality

MONTPELIER – The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) invites Vermonters to attend the upcoming Clean Water series focused on water quality. The series highlights efforts to improve water quality while also protecting public health, outdoor recr … (read more)

Effectiveness of water cleanup under study

PANTON — The U.S. Department of Agriculture last week launched a multi-year study to examine how much conservation projects are improving water quality in two Addison County watersheds. The project, funded at $2 million through the Natural Resources Conse … (read more)

State grants available for water quality improvement projects

MONTPELIER — The Vermont Farm & Forest Viability Program, a program of the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board, has grant funds available for on-farm capital improvement projects that have a positive impact on water quality. Eligible farmers can apply … (read more)

Editorial: Finding balance between farm practices and water quality

In the third of a three-part series examining the historic and current role of the Otter Creek in Addison County, and its current status as the heaviest conveyor of phosphorus pollution into Lake Champlain, we turn a sympathetic ear to the burden placed o … (read more)