Letter to the editor: Message from trans individual really hit home

I thought I had a reasonable understanding of what life as a trans person was like until I read the email below. This message came to me via email from someone I’ve known for 30 years who was born a girl and is now a man.

Ways of Seeing: Celebrating all the rainbows

It’s okay to have questions about queerness and trans identities. Most of us have been raised to understand the world in terms of a gender binary.

Guest editorial: Vergennes anti-trans talk included blatant falsehoods

A 2018 study by Lane et al. of gender-affirming procedures performed on insured patients between 2009 and 2015 found only a 5.8% rate of complications across all gender-affirming surgeries.

Letter to the editor: ‘Truth with love’ means love all

I read with interest and disappointment the June 29 “Community Forum” submission by Renee McGuinness of the Vermont Family Alliance.

Letter to the editor: Story on LGBTQ+ issue needed more balance

The article about Tara Jentink and her views on parents’ rights was disturbing.

Jentink shares her views on parents’ rights

The woman who led the effort to bring an anti-trans activist to speak at Vergennes Union High School last week says she’ll continue to be active in parental rights even though she now has left the state and soon will move overseas.

Community Forum: Heyer presented truth with love

Walt Heyer, de-transitioner and international speaker on the risks and complications of so-called “gender-affirming care,” presented truth with love at Vergennes Union High School last week that pierced through rhetoric from individuals, organizations and … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Freedom of expression is bedrock of our democracy

Those who attended these events and those who read the accounts in the Independent might conclude that there is an irreparable divide between our neighbors who support young people in the Trans community, and those who attended the presentation inside the … (read more)

Group hosts anti-trans talk at VUHS

More than five dozen people gathered inside the Vergennes Union High School auditorium on Tuesday to hear Walt Heyer, an advocate against gender-affirming healthcare for youth.

Big, joyous Pride rally held outside anti-trans talk at VUHS

On Tuesday, June 20, students at Vergennes Union High School along with a big swath of the broader community hosted Vergennes’s first ever Pride Parade and celebration as a direct response to a talk by an anti-trans activist at VUHS.

UPDATED: ANWSD explains why transgender opponent allowed to speak at VUHS

A group advocating “parents’ rights” to host anti-transgender advocate speaker at school library next week.