Lawmakers return to work in Montpelier

Is this the year Vermont finally scraps its complex education funding system and creates a model that doesn’t result in double-digit property tax increases? Will the Legislature create more pressure to close rural schools? What does the future hold for the state’s climate policy amid a call from voters for affordability?

Heffernan unseats Bray; Hardy returns to Senate

Bristol Republican and first-time candidate Steven Heffernan on Tuesday beat out incumbent state Sen. Chris Bray, D-Bristol, for his seat representing Addison County, Huntington, Rochester and Buel’s Gore in the Legislature’s upper chamber.

Letter to the editor: State spending out of control

Vermonters are being taxed to extinction. We need changes in Montpelier. Our Legislature has a strong left-leaning majority that is passing bills into law costing millions over and above the basic needs of our citizens.

Letter to the editor: Heffernan could bring new ideas to senate

I am not enamored with a legislative body that passes goals into law which unnecessarily increases the cost of living for our working families and provides private right of legal action against our state leading to lengthy and expensive litigation on the … (read more)

Senate candidates discuss key issues

Addison County voters got a chance this past Thursday, Oct. 10, to hear from the four major party candidates vying for two seats representing the county, Huntington, Rochester and Buel’s Gore in the state Senate. Around 80 people turned out that evening f … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Three out of four Senate candidates presented well

I attended the Addison County Senate forum held at Bristol’s Holley Hall on Thursday, October 10. Unfortunately, this forum was not recorded so I would like to relate some of my impressions.

Letter to the editor: Senate candidate displayed unusual generosity

With the shortage of affordable homes for first time buyers in Vermont, my wife, Jessica, and I were struggling to find something in our budget.

Letter to the editor: Heffernan a good choice for state Senate seat

I had the honor and privilege to serve alongside Steve in the Vermont Air National Guard. He’s cool headed, brave, logical, proven under stress, and quick with a joke to keep things light.

Letter to the editor: Tax rate claim doesn’t add up

Perhaps if Mr. Heffernan and Mr. Cochran explained the arithmetic used to arrive at the tax rate changes in Addison County towns (Sept. 12, 2024, political advertisement) I would understand the increase shown for Salisbury.

Heffernan, Cochran earn Republican nod

Bristol’s Steven Heffernan and Huntington’s Landel James Cochran prevailed in Tuesday’s Republican primary for the Addison Senate district, both finishing ahead of Lesley J. Bienvenue of Leicester.

Candidate Q&A: Steven Heffernan, Republican, State Senate

Without a doubt the biggest two issues will be education and s5 fuel tax. I believe most Vermonters are concerned about this because it will have an instant impact on their finances. Thirdly, transportation, our roads and bridges need many improvements ar … (read more)

Bristol’s Heffernan seeks to serve all Vermonters in office

Bristol resident Steven Heffernan has long been committed to helping out his neighbors.