Welcome winter with puppets, plays and light on Dec. 21

Solstice is almost here. Town Hall Theater is holding an event on Saturday to celebrate, appreciate and reflect on the peak of darkness and the beginning of winter.

Low Lily’s Winter Solstice celebration returns to THT Dec. 20

Award-winning folk and roots band Low Lily will celebrate the Winter Solstice with an evening of beautiful wintry, seasonal songs and high octane fiddle tunes at the Town Hall Theater in Middlebury. The show will take place on Friday, Dec. 20, at 7 p.m.

Free winter solstice performance to light up Middlebury

‏The third annual solstice pageant, “A Winter’s Carol” will be presented for free at THT on Thursday, Dec. 21, at 4 p.m.

Join the Winter Solstice celebration

The Town Hall Theater is offering its second annual Solstice Lantern Celebration called “Solstice in the Shire” on Wednesday, Dec. 21, from 4-5 p.m.

Bristol lights up for annual solstice celebration

BRISTOL — Bristol will once again host the Lumen Celebration of Fire and Light. Experience fire performers, a lighted walk down Main Street, and fire pits at Tandem and Vermont Tree Goods on Saturday, Dec. 21, from 4:30-9:30 p.m. There will be a holiday l … (read more)