Starksboro pursues exit from MAUSD

Another Mount Abraham Unified School District community has officially launched a campaign to withdraw from the district.

Letter to the editor: New rules bad for rural schools

I’ve just heard that members of the House Education Committee are trying to sneak anti-small school rules into a larger bill dealing with union and supervisory school district structure.

Letter to the editor: ACSD parents seeks clarity on district vision

Addison Central School District, what is your vision?

Editorial: Votes demonstrate the populist appeal of self-determination

From an editor’s perspective, the school board elections in Addison Central School District and the decision by the four-member towns of the Mount Abraham Unified School District to approve Lincoln’s exit from the district were the most noteworthy of this … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Togetherness is the best policy

I would like to share my thoughts regarding Lincoln’s petition to withdraw from MAUSD.

Challengers unseat ACSD incumbents

An Addison Central School District board election firmly rooted in the debate over the future of small rural schools culminated in wins on Tuesday for two outspoken advocates for keeping all of the ACSD’s elementary schools open.

MAUSD towns ratify Lincoln’s withdrawal vote

Members of Save Community Schools are celebrating after an overwhelming affirmation Tuesday of their proposal to withdraw Lincoln from the Mount Abraham Unified School District.

MAUSD towns to vote on Lincoln exit plan

After a six-month wait, the Lincoln voters who overwhelmingly approved a proposal to withdraw from the Mount Abraham Unified School District are approaching the next hurdle in the process: ratification by the other four MAUSD towns.

Letter to the editor: Doria, McCallum are honest, effective communicators

As parents of young children we are concerned about school consolidations, not just whether they should happen but how they will happen.

Letter to the editor: ACSD needs broad thinkers like Doria, McCallum

In the March 1 election, we should all support Jamie McCallum and Joanna Doria in the race for Addison Central School Board.

Letter to the editor: There’s another side to the Ripton school argument

Defining a community: Is it a town or a school district? When is a small elementary school too small?

Letter to the editor: Don’t close small schools; focus on cutting costs

Please understand. Small towns do not want to withdraw from unified school districts. But under threat of closure, they currently have no other choice if they want to keep their schools open.

Community Forum: Why do Vermonters care so much about school governance?

With Vermont schools stressed by COVID, you might expect pandemic recovery to be the only issue on the minds of those working in education.

Letter to the editor: Lincoln official addresses ‘misinformation’ circulating in MAUSD

As Lincoln withdraws from Mount Abraham Unified School District (MAUSD), there is misinformation that is circulating in the community.

Letter to the editor: H.493 means more Ed Board power, less local voice

In my opinion, Act 46 was intended specifically to bring about the closing of small towns’ schools in Vermont, despite what the text of the law itself states.