New plant in Midd is turning waste into energy

The new Middlebury Resource Recovery Center, which consists of an anaerobic digester and a pipeline under Exchange Street, is the state’s first food-waste-to-renewable-electricity project awarded under the Vermont Public Utility Commission’s Standard Offer Program.

Construction kicks off on renewable energy plant

Construction has begun on a new plant in the town’s industrial park that will convert organic waste from area businesses into electric power.

Waste-to-energy plant faces state review

MIDDLEBURY — The Vermont Public Utilities Commission (PUC) during the coming months will review plans for a proposed resource recovery center at 183 Industrial Ave. that would transform industrial wastewater into energy and potentially provide a low-cost … (read more)

Middlebury strikes deal with energy company

MIDDLEBURY — The Massachusetts firm that is proposing to build a plant off Exchange Street to convert organic wastewater into electric power has reached an agreement with the Middlebury selectboard that will lower its fees to connect to the town’s wastewa … (read more)

Middlebury wastewater-to-energy proposal gains momentum

MIDDLEBURY — Developers of a proposed resource recovery center that would transform industrial wastewater into energy are now seeking the necessary state and local permits to build the facility off Middlebury’s Exchange Street. A multi-million-dollar Purp … (read more)