Ask a master gardener: How to help bumblebee queens overwinter

Wild bees are important pollinators for our crops, gardens and wild plants. In Vermont there are over 350 types of wild bees, including 17 different species of bumblebees.

A Weybridge garden is put to bed for pollinators

If you’ve passed the flower garden at the Weybridge end of the Pulp Mill Bridge recently, you may have thought it looks unkempt, even dead. Not so, exclaim its gardeners.

Monkton gardeners help pollinators

“There’s something calming for me about getting my hands in the dirt,” Jenne Morton told me recently.

Learn beekeeping history in Salisbury talk

William Mares will be speaking at Bees Besieged: A History of Beekeeping on Wednesday, Aug. 17 at 7 p.m. The talk will be held at the Salisbury Meeting House.

Pollinators taking flight in Vergennes

You may have thought about offsetting your carbon footprint, but have you ever considered your pollinator footprint? Bee the Change, a Vermont-based organization dedicated to increasing biodiversity through pollination, is asking Vermont businesses, schoo … (read more)

Climate Matters: Lessons from a twelfth of a teaspoon of honey

The honey bee is critical to the environment and our survival. Here are some facts about honey bees, drawn from two sources.

Letter to the editor: Caterpillars not really so scary

The first time I met a tomato hornworm caterpillar in my garden I screamed and ran. What was that!?

Letter to the editor: We can all help our pollinators

I’m thrilled to be part of a county-wide effort to help our native pollinators.

Letter to the editor: There are easy ways to help pollinators

Pollinators have become the new “buzz” word in the last several months.  We now have National Pollinator Week, June 20-26!

Letter to the editor: Article on the impact of pesticides was appreciated

I was shocked, angry and deeply saddened to read how dire the situation is and how little is being done.

Letter to the editor: Legislature’s failure to protect pollinators shameful

Christopher Ross’ recent piece “Pesticides Threatening Pollinators” was a much-needed examination of the rot that has infested our democracy from top to bottom.

Pesticides threatening pollinators, lawmakers punt on limit to bee-killing poisons

People who tend to honey bees warn that Vermont needs to get serious about regulating neonicotinoid poisons. Legislators passed up their chance to do so.

City Council backs pollinator habitat

The Falls Park area in Vergennes by 2023 will have half an acre devoted to providing a friendly habitat for bees and other pollinators, and by two or three years later could have a dog park nearby.

Consider waiting for your first mow to help pollinators

An increasingly popular conservation initiative called No-Mow-May is blooming across the nation.

Pollinator Pathway talks to be held on Zoom

The free speaker series sponsored by the newly-created Pollinator Pathway of Addison County will continue through March and April.