Letter to the editor: Morley ‘can’t catch a break’

I suppose that the way things are today, the passengers had a right to expect the worst, but nothing happened to them. If they were traumatized and terrified, then they deserve to be heard, but it’s obvious to me that Marv had no intention of harming anyone.

Letter to the editor: Defendant caused harm, in spite of jury verdict

On July 4, 2022, six young women aged 22-24 experienced a taxi ride that terrified and traumatized them.

Letter to the editor: Victims’ voices left out of Morley trial story

Having attended the three days of the trial and knowing the six victims from the incident I find the article biased towards Marvin Morley with seemingly no attempt to understand or hear from the victims.

Taxi driver innocent of restraint charges

A jury found a Ferrisburgh man innocent of charges that he illegally restrained six young women when he was driving a taxi in which they were passengers.

Taxi driver charged for taking 6 young women to his home against their will

A local taxi driver pleaded not guilty to six counts of felony second-degree unlawful restraint after an incident while driving the women from Burlington to Salisbury Monday night.