
Letter to the editor: Morley ‘can’t catch a break’

Regarding both sides of the story. And is the story more interesting than the truth? Marv Morley can’t catch a break. And the trial is over, by the way. And he was offered a plea deal, and refused, and chose to go to trial. And he was proven innocent. I know Marv. He and his wife Julie are friends of mine.

I suppose that the way things are today, the passengers had a right to expect the worst, but nothing happened to them. If they were traumatized and terrified, then they deserve to be heard, but it’s obvious to me that Marv had no intention of harming anyone, and was trying to help one of the passengers, who he perceived as having difficulty with her employment and her housing. I’ve known him for years. He tends to problem solve. And sometimes no good deed goes unpunished. It’s just the way it is. Probably he knows better than to spontaneously try to help a stranger, especially a woman, ever again. Too risky, and motives are too easily misunderstood.

So, can we leave him alone now? Take a lesson from what happened, and learn from it, and maybe not instantly brand someone a pariah until they get to tell their story? Hope so.

Steve Birkett


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