Ways of Seeing: The wild frontier of consumerism

Davy Crockett aired on the Disney Channel the year I was in kindergarten. I’m not sure why this show so enthralled me.

Ways of Seeing: We must all stand up to bullying

Walking home on my first day in first grade, I spotted Kenny, who was a year younger.

Ways of Seeing: Climate initiatives need dedication

So much of this situation rides on money, apathy, and our resistance to change.

Ways of Seeing: Life is about making connections

As our state strives to clean up Lake Champlain, even our little mountain towns must do their part to contour our road ditches and place our culverts to minimize their erosive potential.

Ways of Seeing: Pandemic offers a ‘reset’ moment

New things can be scary, but they also can open us up to better ways of living, better ways of structuring our institutions, our interactions, our society and our environment. 

Letter to the editor: McCallum, Doria have students’ interests at heart

In the ACSD, each town has at least one representative on the school board. You might ask, “Why are there a specific number of seats allocated to each town if we vote for them all district-wide?

Ways of seeing: Rockwell’s ‘Freedoms’ are still vital

Recently, I found myself recalling some paintings I had seen as a child: Norman Rockwell’s “The Four Freedoms.”

Ways of seeing: Forest shows way of cooperation

Walking through the forest as these late fall days lingered with unnatural warmth, I found the woods filled with life and light.

Ways of seeing: Rocks change slowly; we cannot

When I entered college, a science class was required. I chose geology. Biology, chemistry and physics had been included in my high school education, and I had no plans to become a scientist. (I was going to be a writer!) Also, the geology course descripti … (read more)

Ways of seeing: Migrant workers are essential

The summer I turned 13, a friend told me how she made a lot of money picking strawberries. It sounded like a relatively easy deal, so my sister and I decided to give it a try.Lunch sacks in hand, we ferried to a nearby island and were loaded in the back o … (read more)

Ways of seeing: Sugaring becomes a family affair

With a bit of optimism on a late winter day, you put on your boots and outdoor gear, thrust a couple of tools in your pockets, grab a stack of buckets and lids, and head into the woods. It’s about to be sugaring season. We began sugaring shortly after mov … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Kramer would push for transparency in ACSD

As we approach this year’s Town and School Meetings, things will be very different, especially for those used to attending in-person meetings for voting, or informational discussion. This year, all meetings will be virtual. Conversations that happen quite … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Ripton’s quest for independence could set example

“If the spirit of liberty should vanish in other parts of the State, and support of our institutions should languish, it could all be replenished from the generous store held by the people of this brave little town of Ripton.” Shamelessly paraphrasing Pre … (read more)

Ways of Seeing: A nuanced vision of community

Riddle: Why did the man throw the clock out the window? Answer: Because he wanted to see time fly! I can still see the accompanying cartoon in my big sister’s book — a round alarm clock with little wings flying from the window. That may be when I first re … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Effects of closing schools need closer examination

“If you build it, they will come,” is a phrase that haunts the main character in the movie “Field of Dreams.” In that film, the thing to be built is a baseball field for spectral players from the early 1900s, but it got me thinking, and not about baseball … (read more)