Letter to the editor: New reporting helps explain school budget nuances

I want to thank Marin Howell and the rest of the Addy Indy for some clear, (if depressing,) coverage of the MAUSD budget saga in April 18th’s paper. In my letter last week, I criticized the paper for their sometimes confusing reporting on the matter so it’s important I applaud them where I feel they do an exceptionally good job. In particular I appreciated that in the opening sentences it was made clear that “the revised spending plan was projected to LOWER the district-wide homestead tax rate,” [emphasis m … (read more)

Letter to the editor: With school budget stories, financial context matters

I disagree with April 11th’s editorial suggesting that school budgets were voted down because they were presented to voters too late.

Letter to the editor: Bart’s story was a vivid, moving reminder of loss

I want to express my sympathies and to thank Megan James for her June 15 piece on the untimely death of her cat, Bart. Megan’s words were thoughtful and moving. 

Letter to the editor: Nuovo’s work appreciated

In recent weeks I’ve found myself wondering if we’d ever be lucky enough to get another column by the inestimable Victor Nuovo.

Letter to the editor: Officer Mason’s words hit home

While I always found him to be helpful and kind, I had no idea he had the soul of a philosopher-poet supporting his badge

Letter to the editor: Column partial to Christianity?

I didn’t want to write this letter without time to more clearly spell out my feelings. But I also don’t want my displeasure to go un-noted, because I am sure other readers feel as I do. So forgive this brief note.

Letter to the editor: Closing prayer not appropriate

I was pleased to find myself downtown last weekend, just in time for the start of the Lazarus Park dedication event in Middlebury. It was an enjoyable, well-run event on the part of the town. It was nice seeing so many people there valuing civic engagemen … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Op-ed pages demonstrate insightful community

I am writing to thank all the recent writers of Letters to the Editor in recent issues of the Addison Independent, especially for the jam-packed 18 Feb. issue. I value every week the excellent local journalism that we enjoy here in Addison County, but the … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Reader suggests changes in paper’s election coverage

Having moved to Vermont from New York City a year ago, one of my favorite changes (from a long list) has been the more personal connection to my local community provided by the Addison County Independent and local government. I feel that my representative … (read more)