
Letter to the editor: Op-ed pages demonstrate insightful community

I am writing to thank all the recent writers of Letters to the Editor in recent issues of the Addison Independent, especially for the jam-packed 18 Feb. issue. I value every week the excellent local journalism that we enjoy here in Addison County, but the letters are always some of my favorite pieces, for their insight, and the abundant compassion they demonstrate as present in our community. I’d like to particularly thank Albert Zaccor for his clear-eyed view of the risks of non-stop expression, Mark Spritzer for his important defense of Darwin, and the many voices bringing the clarity of perspective to the murky issues facing our local schools.
I’d also like to thank the several recent letter writers who have brought to my attention the state’s recent attacks on teachers’ pensions. I’ll interestedly look for alternative views on the matter, but it seems quite clear that the state is attempting to break vital promises and lay their inept managing of funds on the backs of teachers, and my representatives will be hearing from me as such, and I hope other readers will follow suit.
Finally, since I’ve been meaning to do so for some time, I may as well now also thank my favorite columnists for their constant work. Victor Nuovo’s is my favorite bit of the entire paper, and I’d subscribe for that alone. He makes me feel I’m enrolled in a superb college course every week. Jessie Raymond comes a close second and makes me chuckle over and over as I read her best jokes aloud to my wife, a practice I remain convinced she will one day enjoy. And while I long ago gave up fishing as personally distasteful to me, Matthew Dickerson reminds me of the beauty of the past-time and that we all don’t have to agree in order to recognize the value in each other.
Thanks to all for a truly exceptional paper.
Kris Diehl

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