Letters to Santa 2024

Letters to Santa are flowing in like snow. More than 100 have reached the Addison Independent so far. Here is just a sampling of what children had to say to Santa.

UVM researcher talks COVID’s impact on kids, schools

As schools in Vermont and across the country prepare to reopen, it’s clear that children who do get the coronavirus are far less likely than adults to get severely ill. What is less well understood is the role they play in passing COVID-19 along to others … (read more)

Kids take COVID precautions and have fun

ADDISON COUNTY — Addison County youth are seeing a different look at their camps and sports this summer. There are no field trips for day camps, no fighting for draws in lacrosse, only small games in soccer, and no spitting on the baseball diamond.  But t … (read more)

Talking to kids about race and justice

When Trayvon Martin was killed in Florida in 2012, Joanna Colwell’s daughter was 11 years old. Just old enough, Colwell recalled, to walk by herself to the store in East Middlebury for a Snapple. “It was not in my consciousness that she could be the victi … (read more)

Pooping during a pandemic: What to do with No. 2 when public restrooms are closed

I was on vacation with my husband Bryan, and 5-year-old son Emmett camping in Florida when the pandemic rapidly unfolded. We managed to ride out the rest of our trip, easily social distancing in the Ocala National Forest in a very low-use, primitive campg … (read more)

Kids win free-throw titles at MAUHS gym

BRISTOL — This past Saturday, the Mount Abraham Union High School gym was filled with the sounds of bouncing balls and swooshing nets. The cause for all the noise? The Knights of Columbus held the Addison County District Free-Throw Championship. Ten free- … (read more)

Literacy project invites kids to Halloween event

MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury College’s Page One Literacy Project is inviting families to come to its annual Halloween event on Saturday, Oct. 26, from noon-2 p.m. at the Swift House Inn. Page One Literacy Project is a program that visits elementary schools in … (read more)