
Kids win free-throw titles at MAUHS gym

THE ADDISON COUNTY District Free-Throw Champions are, from left: Zoey Johnston, Ashtin Stearns, Adrienne Smits, Dustin Abbott, Bowen Lutz, Oliver Cogswell, Hayden Lutz, Safi Camara and Mike Sayre.

BRISTOL — This past Saturday, the Mount Abraham Union High School gym was filled with the sounds of bouncing balls and swooshing nets.
The cause for all the noise? The Knights of Columbus held the Addison County District Free-Throw Championship.
Ten free-throwers left the event as district champions in their age groups. Each qualified to compete in the state-wide free-throw competition at Winooski High School on March 15.
The girls and boys district champs were:
•  9-year-old division: Dustin Abbott.
•  10-year-old: Zoey Johnston and Bowen Lutz.
•  11-year-old: Adrienne Smits and Oliver Cogswell.
•  12-year-old: Ashtin Stearns and Hayden Lutz.
•  13-year-old: Safi Camara and Mike Sayre.
•  14-year-old: Joanna Toy.
The Knights and the members of the St. Ambrose Parish Council invited everyone to wish these youngsters the very best.

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