Letter to the editor: Books won’t harm students

I recently heard that there is a small group of parents asking for certain types of books to be banned from the Mary Hogan School, and that the issue will be put before the school board soon.

Homeward Bound director to step down

Homeward Bound Executive Director Jessica Danyow has truly been a dog’s best friend during her 10 years overseeing Addison County’s Humane Society.

Letter to the editor: Midd police had ‘skill… empathy’

I imagine that people who have multiple encounters in the space of 36 hours with officers from the Middlebury Police Department would typically use the term unfortunate in describing the situation.

Keep your pooch safe in your moving car

The sobering fact of how dangerous it is to have a loose dog in the car made me think about how if we really consider our dogs members of our family, why do we regularly and joyfully put them in danger and increase our chances of distracted driving?

Letter to the editor: Recent letter about stray cats appreciated

I’m writing to commend Erica Langston on a thoughtful and thorough letter regarding the factors to assess when considering if a cat is truly stray and in need of help or if he or she is part of a family who chooses to allow outdoor time.

Dear Homeward Bound: Unleashed dogs

Dear Homeward Bound, I am so excited! It feels like spring is just around the corner and my dog is as eager as I am to get out and start taking walks again … all those smells! I am worried though because I’ve had some bad experiences when my dog and I hav … (read more)

Letter to the editor: Area law enforcement helped saved suffering animals

I would like to express my gratitude to the troopers of the New Haven Barracks of the Vermont State Police, the staff of the Addison County State’s Attorney Office and multiple individuals in Addison County and beyond who recently came together to assist … (read more)