Dog film screening falls short of setting world record

It looks like a Middlebury-based attempt this past Saturday to score a world record for the number or dogs to attend a film screening failed by around 10 pooches. But organizers of the effort — related to the Middlebury premier of local filmmaker Andy Mitchell’s new documentary, “Inside the Mind of a Dog” — continue to pore over video to see if their initial count of 210 pooches might have been understated.

How to register so you can see the dog movie

If you’d like your dog(s) to attend the Aug. 10 screening of the new documentary “Inside the Mind of a Dog” at Middlebury’s Memorial Sports Center, then read this story.

Local filmmaker puts dogs on Netflix

On Saturday, Aug. 10, humans will take a backseat to their best friends at Middlebury’s Memorial Sports Center, where dogs will scamper down a red carpet for the screening of a pooch-related documentary called “Inside the Mind of a Dog,” directed by local … (read more)