Fresh Air sisters reunite after nearly three decades

This past week, Tia Reeves, 54, of New York City, visited her Vermont sister, Sara Audet (neé Rheaume), 54, of Cornwall.

Fresh Air Fund youths returning to county

The Fresh Air Fund, initiated in 1877 to give kids from New York City the opportunity to experience nature in a capacity impossible to find in the five boroughs, was reintroduced to Addison County last week. 

Big city kid enjoys outside in Vermont

New York City resident Bryan Carranza enjoyed his Fresh Air visit to the Vergennes area.

Locals open their homes to Fresh Air Fund kids

VERGENNES — A bus, travelling from New York City to Vermont, speeds past a herd of cows. A little child points out the window and says, “Do you know that’s where chocolate milk comes from?” This is one of Marion Sullivan’s many treasured memories from her … (read more)