Ask a master gardener: Plan a spring garden this fall

Every gardener has a fall to-do list to complete: pulling annuals, raking leaves and storing hoses and other garden tools. They aren’t the most exciting tasks, but planning for your spring garden now saves time next year.  

Ask a master gardener: Goldenrod, a useful wildflower

Of all the wildflowers — or weeds, if you prefer — goldenrod (Solidago) is one of the most recognizable. Its plumes of bright yellow flowers atop tall stems bob in the breeze, making its presence hard to miss.

Ask a master gardener: Annuals vs. perennials

You’ve probably heard plants described as annual, biennial or perennial. You may have even heard some called a “tender perennial.” When planning a garden, knowing the difference can help you decide which type of plants you want to include.

Gardeners, watch out for jumping worms

You may have heard of jumping worms, sometimes referred to as “snake worms.” Worm castings that resemble coffee grounds on the soil’s surface are likely the first thing you’ll notice.

Ask a master gardener: Tulip mania

Tulips are so plentiful that sometimes we take their presence for granted. They’re common flowers, but how much do you really know about them?

Gardening: Make hay while the snow melts

Spring may be upon us, but winter is reluctant to let go. In the meantime, we’re all eagerly awaiting the time when we can head back to our gardens and get them into shape for the coming growing season.

Ask a master gardener: How to share the magic of gardening

Spring is in the air, and what better way to celebrate a return to gardening than to share its magic with children? It’s not too early to start planning now.

Ask a master gardener: How to survive cabin fever

It’s that time of year when, sure, it’s technically spring, but we all know there’s still plenty of cold and wet weather yet to come.

Ask a Master Gardener: How to create a garden in a terrarium

Terrariums are miniature gardens in lidded, clear-glass containers. Their closed environment requires little care and only occasional maintenance.

Ask a Master Gardener: How to propagate houseplants

There are many reasons to propagate your houseplants. Maybe you want to share with a friend. Maybe your plant has gotten too large and you’d like to replace it with one of a more manageable size. Or, sadly, it’s taken a turn for the worst, and you want to … (read more)

Ask a Master Gardener: How to grow African violets

You’ve probably seen African violets (Saintpaulia) with their neat rosettes of fuzzy leaves and clusters of purple flowers.

Ask a Master Gardener: How to grow orchids

Do you admire orchids from afar but haven’t considered growing them or gifting them to a plant lover you know?

Ask a Master Gardener: All about the perennial poinsettia

During the holidays, poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) show off in shades of red, pink and cream. They’ve been hybridized to decorate our homes during a season when the garden outdoors is fast asleep. Most people treat them as a holiday plant to be enjo … (read more)

Ask a master gardener: Gifts for the gardener

If you have a gardener (or garden lover) on your holiday gift list, you may be wondering what might make them smile during a season when the garden is buried beneath the snow.

Ask a Master Gardener: Miniature bulbs to plant now

There’s an old saying, “Good things come in small packages.” That’s certainly true of the tiny flowers that bloom in the spring. And fall is the perfect time to plant these bulbs.