Climate Matters: A lament for vanilla

In a few decades it is possible that vanilla, real non-synthetic vanilla, might be gone, or at least extremely rare.

Climate Matters: Safeguarding our green lung

I found myself in a climate change conversation with an engineer recently.

Climate Matters: Information and its roots

For those of us still toiling to bring awareness to the same systemic problems, it is notable that Donella Meadows and her colleagues were struck by the same curse we still wrestle with, the Cassandra Dilemma.

Climate Matters: Paying more to heat your home?

Despite the recent rises in oil and propane prices, my wife and I are not paying more to heat our home this winter. That is because we use cold-climate heat pumps.

Climate Matters: Turn to the sun, not ‘treewashing’

It pains me a bit to say, massive tree-planting campaigns are under assault as a climate tool, and that the assault seems to have some real merit.

Climate Matters: Listening while the world burns

I felt sick watching the sun rise above the mountains: the hazy orange light, the smell of barbecue, the dry rasp in my throat. I had experienced this all before, out on the West Coast.

Editorial: A new column explores why/how ‘climate matters’

In Vermont, most of us accept that climate change is real, has profound impacts on our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren, and should force us to change our daily practices.

Climate Matters: Farmers must deal with reality

My wife Judy and I have been growing organic vegetables commercially since 1981 and our daughter Pauline is in the process of taking over the operation in Shoreham.