THE SKA AND reggae band Soulstice from Warren rocks out at Pocock Rocks.
Independent photo/Steve James
SCOUTS DRACO LEWIS and Michael Orvis mix up a root beer float at Pocock Rocks.
Independent photo/Steve James
STARKSBORO THREE-YEAR-OLD Shea Zeno holds her head very still while an artist gives her a leopard’s countenance at the Pocock
Rocks music and street festival in Bristol on Saturday. Her sister Nora, 5, and their friend Callie Szavejko, 5, of Monkton patiently wait.
Independent photo/Steve James
BURLINGTON’S JEREMY MENDICINO strums on one of the Pocock stages.
Independent photo/Steve James
MOUNT ABRAHAM FRESHMAN Jaret Sturtevant enjoys an ice cream cone at Pocock Rocks.
Independent photo/Steve James
CALLIE SZAVEJKO, 5, of Monkton
(L) and her pal Nora Zeno, 5, of Starksboro, showing off colorful mugs at the face-paint booth at Pocock Rocks.
Independent photo/Steve James
and sister Lydia, 2, of Starksboro wait patiently for their ice cream at Pocock Rocks.
Independent photo/Steve James