- THE MIDDLEBURY UNION High School dance team upset South Burlington to win the hip-hop category in a competition at the MUHS gym on Saturday afternoon. Look for more photos and results in Thursday’s Addison Independent. Independent photo/Steve James
- SEVERAL HUNDRED PEOPLE attended Middlebury’s New Year’s Eve fireworks at the town recreational fields Sunday night to witness a dazzling display, with temps in the low 30s. Many then packed the Memorial Sports Center for a couple hours of free ice skating.Independent photo/Angelo Lynn
- SEVERAL HUNDRED PEOPLE attended Middlebury’s New Year’s Eve fireworks at the town recreational fields Sunday night to witness a dazzling display, with temps in the low 30s. Many then packed the Memorial Sports Center for a couple hours of free ice skating.Independent photo/Angelo Lynn
- EXTRA WIDE TIRES on fat bikes that can be rented at the Rikert Outdoor Center in Ripton allow people another way to get out on the trails in winter to get some exercise and soak up the scenery. With pipes blowing snow on the 5K loop behind the Breadloaf Campus, a family from Stowe picked up some cycles on Sunday and started out across the Rikert field toward some trails in the woods. Pictured are Mike and Sarah Welch and their 11-year-old son, Miles. Independent photo/Angelo Lynn
- MIKE AND SARAH Welch, with their 11-year-old son, Miles, all of Stowe, cruise on rented fat bikes along one of the trails in the Battel section of the Rikert Outdoor Center trails this past Sunday. Independent photo/Angelo Lynn
- WHILE THE CHAMPLAIN Valley has been snowless this past couple of weeks, there’s ample snow higher up. The Middlebury Snowbowl has been running the Sheehan lift since early December, including Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights, thanks to temperatures that have recently been cold enough for snowmaking. The Snowbowl hopes to open the Worth Mountain chairlift later this week, if conditions allow. Independent photo/Angelo Lynn
- AT RIKERT OUTDOOR Center, fat bikers took to the trails without adequate snow for skiing, while skiers were able to complete a complete loop on part of the 5K racing track last weekend, and the full race loop will be open by this weekend. Independent photo/Angelo Lynn
- WHILE THE CHAMPLAIN Valley has been snowless this past couple of weeks, there’s ample snow higher up. The Middlebury Snowbowl has been running the Sheehan lift since early December, including Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights, thanks to temperatures that have recently been cold enough for snowmaking. The Snowbowl hopes to open the Worth Mountain chairlift later this week, if conditions allow. Independent photo/Angelo Lynn