MARY JOHNSON PLAYING Marty the zebra in the MUHS senior play, “Madagascar.”
Independent photo/Steve James
A GROUP OF seniors playing the penguins that take over the ship in ‘Madagascar,’ the MUHS senior play.
Independent photo/Steve James
SENIORS REHEARSING THEIR part in the Middlebury Union High School senior play, “Madagascar,” on Monday, are pretty convincing as penguins taking over a ship full of zoo animals. See all the fun at the school auditorium on Thursday and Friday at 7 p.m., and twice
on Saturday afternoon.
Independent photo/Steve James
OWEN LAWTON AS Alex the lion in the MUHS senior play, “Madagascar.”
Independent photo/Steve James
OWEN LAWTON WITH Ainsleigh Linnea Johnson playing Melman
the giraffe.
Independent photo/Steve James
BECCA ORTEN AS King Julien hits her mark.
Independent photo/Steve James
BECCA ORTEN, POINTING with a headdress, as
King Julien leading a dance of the lemurs.
Independent photo/Steve James
CAMILA BLANCO AS Gloria the hippo in the MUHS senior play, “Madagascar.”
Independent photo/Steve James
CAMILA BLANCO, AS Gloria the hippo, and Ainsleigh Linnea Johnson, as Melman the giraffe present a birthday cake to Mary Johnson, as Marty the zebra.
Independent photo/Steve James