THE SINCLAIR FAMILY Tree Farm in Ripton was a popular place this past Friday. Folks who flocked to the
farm to harvest a Christmas tree found a fresh coat of snowfall added ambiance to the seasonal ritual.
Independent photo/Steve James
ALL PATHS LEAD to the small checkout hut at Ripton’s Sinclair Family Tree Farm.
Independent photo/Steve James
KATY SMITH ABBOTT and Steve Abbott carry the Christmas tree they just harvested out of the Sinclair Family Tree Farm in Ripton
this past Friday — the first day of holiday sales at the property.
Independent photo/Steve James
BOB AND LAURIE Brigan, along with their dog Drake, drag away their prized selection at Sinclair Family Tree Farm.
Independent photo/Steve James
6-YEAR-OLD Anna Sacheli cradles a
giant snowball as a bonus during her visit to Sinclair Family Tree Farm in Ripton.
Independent photo/Steve James
THE HOLIDAY CHICKENS at the foot of this evergreen on Washington Street Extension in
Middlebury this past Saturday afternoon seem to be oblivious to Zeke Hooper, right, and Jesse Ethier hanging seasonal decorations on the tree. But, in fairness, the birds are just decorations
themselves. Hooper said he hopes the trimmed tree brings joy to passersby throughout the holiday
Independent photo/John S. McCright
DOUG SINCLAIR DUTIFULLY trusses up a tree with plastic mesh wrap at his farm in Ripton last week.
Independent photo/Steve James