
Letter to the editor: Some citizens ‘brainwashed’

“America First” is not original. The label has a history. Not knowing the story leaves us flying blind in the dark. The outcome will be unexpected. We could adjust to simplistic thinking, endure the consequences, and maybe undo whatever damage is done to ourselves. Meanwhile, beware. Time is short, and ignoring the past will not serve us well in the future.

Average discontent Americans, who consider themselves loyal to their savings account and the flag, identify with a deceitful, draft-dodging felon, and morally bankrupt billionaire. This relationship is supposed to make sense. It could, however, fit a long-range FSB (formerly the KGB) blueprint for defeating democracy without firing a shot. This particular “conspiracy” taps an abundance of greed and anger, and a lack of curiosity and truth.

Alexander Lyall



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