
Letter to the editor: Government officials have not earned higher pay

Reflection on John Peck’s letter in the Jan. 2 Addison Independent:

Our esteemed in society do have a problem performing their job duties honorably unless it’s accepting their monetary raises. When merit pay went out the window so did work ethics. Despite many who do perform admirably and honestly, at the top echelon are examples of those who definitely do not that perform admirably like Bret Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas and wife, Merrick Garland, elected government officials and all of those who have allowed a now president-elect to raise up a riot as an honorable, peaceful love-in.

Such blatant disparagement of honesty and disrespect for the law of the land results in dissolution of on-the-job performance whether at a national, state or community level.

Accepting the “new norm” is not mandatory. Individuals get to select for themselves membership in either the glory club of honorable performance or the gloat club, which embraces dishonesty, immorality and bigotry.

There exist in our society honest, hardworking employees at all levels — may they be the strength and hope of our tomorrows. Kudos to John Peck for speaking out.

Christy Alger


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