Letter to the editor: Law too soft on repeat offenders
I have noticed something I find amusing. I have to admit I am not a perfect person. I have made mistakes and done things I shouldn’t have and things that were illegal. I drove while my license was suspended (to get to work and keep a job) and I smoked marijuana before it was legal and got caught. I also (not proud) got a DUI. I never robbed or stole anything from anybody or any business, I never beat up or hurt anybody or a significant other.
I was put on probation and had to follow rules that would help me become a better person and not a menace to society. I had to maintain or have a job, do counseling or groups (to help with my short comings) I couldn’t drink, couldn’t smoke marijuana or any drugs (actually had to do drug testing), had to do community service, even think I had a curfew. There were rules to follow.
It’s crazy now, I know people out on furlough or on probation, for violent offenses and or aggravated domestic assaults where their significant other was put in the hospital, who have no rules. Their only stipulation is to see their P.O. (parole officer) every few weeks. They haven’t worked in months, which means their only income is what they can rob or steal (from neighbors, parents, friends, where they work or other local businesses), the money they steal goes to buying drugs (can do hundreds of dollars’ worth a day, because they are NOT TESTED for using drugs), they have been cited several times for other offences while on probation. They got cited for being drunk in public, for fighting, which I think is a violent crime, and for embezzlement (actually got a job for a few days so they could steal out of the register), while on probation, no violations from P.O. In addition, they are not told to seek counseling or groups for anger issues or drug problems.
So, a lot of the issues we have in our communities is the fact people who are on probation or out on furlough can basically do whatever they want. No rules or regulations. They have all day — because they don’t have to work — to sit around and drink and think of who or what company they can rob or steal from to get drug money. They are not asked to do anything, no community service, no groups or counseling, NO DRUG TESTING, or anything to help make them a better person. Just check in with P.O. every few weeks and he will tell you “All good, do whatever you want.”
It seems our society has gotten very lazy (State attorney, judges, defense council, and P.O.’s). We complain about issues happening all around us. We know some of what is causing a majority of the issues but feel bad and don’t want to put the ones causing the issues back in jail.
There are some people in our society that should be in jail. They are repeat offenders. Those people should not be out robbing, stealing, and displaying violence. Guess it’s one of the new norms we have to get used to, sadly.
John Peck
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