
Letter to the editor: Books won’t harm students

I recently heard that there is a small group of parents asking for certain types of books to be banned from the Mary Hogan School, and that the issue will be put before the school board soon.

After I thought about this for a bit, I realized I think books are a lot like food. There are all different kinds of both, and people have strong feelings about ones they like and ones they don’t.

What I am struggling with is why people might want a book to be removed from the choices. I’ve never seen anyone arguing to remove celery or olives from the grocery store. I mean, if you don’t like a food, you don’t eat it and if you don’t like a book, you don’t read it. If you are offered an unfamiliar food, you may eat it once but if you don’t like it, you won’t continue to consume it on your own. If someone exposes your child to a food that you don’t like, it is your child’s personal tastes that will dictate if they do or don’t like it. Same with books. If you are exposed to a book that doesn’t resonate you will read it and then, unaffected by the content, move on with your life. If you are exposed to a book that does resonate, it just might save your life.

Personally, I like reading while munching on popcorn. I know people who would never dream of turning pages with buttery, salty fingertips. Personal preference, that’s all.

Jessica Danyow


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