
Letter to the editor: Paper snubbed some running

Thank you once again this election season for providing your readers the 2024 Election Preview supplement. It is a real public service to give voters valuable access to the candidates’ positions on the most important issues of the day, in their own words. As well, the people who step up to serve us in the Legislature must surely appreciate the opportunity to share their views.

Unfortunately, as you mentioned at the bottom of the front page of the supplement, you left out three House candidates who are unopposed, including Jim Casey, who is running for the Addison-Rutland seat. I for one would have appreciated seeing his answers to your questions, since I have not been able to learn anything about his positions on the issues. I have not been able to find a website or campaign flyer, nor any answers to VTDigger’s or Vermont Public’s online candidate questionnaires. While it is not Mr. Casey’s fault that the voters of Shoreham, Orwell, Whiting, Sudbury, and Hubbardton do not have more than one candidate for the Vermont House to choose from, it is troubling that his views were not included in your 10-page supplement. I am sure that I’m not the only one in this district who would like to know where he stands on education funding, housing, the climate, and other important issues.

Since Nov. 5 is Election — not Coronation — Day, I can’t vote for someone if I don’t know how they plan to represent me in Montpelier.

Will Stevens


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