Letter to the editor: Let’s re-elect Hardy and Bray
Ruth Hardy and Chris Bray are clear, strong voices for us in Montpelier, and I look forward to voting for their reelection to the Vermont Senate.
I tend to follow education issues as they work their way through the legislature and I have learned that, to quote a friend even more involved than I am, Ruth is “one of the strongest voices for public education in the Senate — a true champion … She is now the Chair of the Senate Gov. Ops Committee that oversees pensions and is a leading voice in fighting for systemic healthcare reform — and has been very important in recent policy advancements on both fronts.”
Though I follow environmental issues less closely, they are certainly important to me. Chris has worked tirelessly as chair of Natural Resources and Energy committee to help conserve Vermont and to keep it livable in the face of determined opposition from fossil fuel interests.
It surely helps Addison County that both Ruth and Chris chair influential committees in the Senate. I feel lucky to have such smart, clear-headed, and hardworking people looking out for us in the legislature.
Perry Lessing
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