
Letter to the editor: Housing changes will have impact

On behalf of the Addison County Housing Coalition, I am writing to let you know about changes in the State of Vermont General Assistance (GA) program for people who are currently unhoused in our county. These changes will obviously impact those receiving shelter in the GA Motel program, but they will also affect our town, cities, and communities. Here are the things we want to make sure you know:

• The most recent reduction in the emergency housing program at hotels and motels took effect on Sunday, Sept. 15, when a new cap of 1,100 rooms per night was implemented. Use in 2024 has averaged 1,700 rooms, for context. (The cap of 1,100 rooms will be lifted Dec. 1, 2024, through March 31, 2025, during the winter months.)

• Program motel stays are now also limited to 80 days a year — outside of the winter months, when the room cap will be suspended. The 80-day limit will start on Thursday, Sept. 19, and will continue throughout the fall.

• It is estimated that 900 households across the state will lose their vouchers for hotel/motel stays in the next few weeks.

• Our shelters are full and affordable housing waitlists number in the hundreds. Even as many towns and cities have imposed new restrictions on camping in public areas, many households will have no other option but to camp this fall.

This is an extremely stressful situation for those who need a safe place to sleep each night, but also for our towns and communities, which will need to address the consequences of the GA policy change. Staff at our housing agencies are aware that most households evicted from motels/hotels have nowhere else to go.

It is abundantly clear that those who are most vulnerable, especially those with children and the disabled, will need all the help of all of us to successfully navigate this new reality.

Susan Whitmore


Addison Community Action (CVOEO)

Addison Housing Works

Atria Collective

Gather at Bread Loaf Mountain Zen Community

Charter House Coalition

Counseling Services of Addison County

HomeShare Vermont


John Graham Housing & Services

Pathways Vermont

Turning Point Center of Addison County

United Way of Addison County

Vermont Interfaith Action

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