
Middlebury Police Log: Brandon man cited, under investigation

MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police cited Austin Wedge, 24, of Brandon for driving under the influence, driving with a suspended license, cruelty to a child, and two counts of reckless endangerment, following their investigation of an alleged domestic dispute at a Court Street residence on Aug. 11.

In addition to conducting daily foot patrols downtown to monitor members of the local houseless community, Middlebury police last week:

  • Responded, with Vermont State Police, to a report of a drunken man lying in the roadway near the intersection of Weybridge and Sheep Farm roads in Weybridge on Aug. 5.
  • Responded to a reported domestic dispute in the Case Street area on Aug. 5.
  • Responded on Aug. 5 to a report of an unruly, recently discharged patient on Porter Hospital grounds.
  • Helped Brandon police on Aug. 6 with an evaluation of a possibly impaired driver, at Middlebury PD headquarters.
  • Warned a person who was violating the town’s open-container law in the Bakery Lane area on Aug. 6.
  • Responded to a report of a dog disturbing customers at Mister Ups Restaurant on Aug. 6.
  • Cautioned a truck driver who had been driving erratically on South Main Street on Aug. 6.
  • Assisted Pittsford police, Brandon police and Rutland City police in executing a search warrant at a Pittsford residence on Hendee Lane on Aug. 6.
  • Cited 33-year-old Geoffrey Scott Merwin for suspicion of driving under the influence, following a traffic stop on Court Street on Aug. 7.
  • Took a call on Aug. 7 from a person in the Gambrel Court area who claimed to have shot a family member and was now preparing to shoot themselves. Police said the dispatcher heard what sounded like a gunshot over the phone during the call. When officers arrived at the scene, they said they found no shooting had occurred and that the call had been a hoax. An investigation into the call continues.
  • Responded, with Middlebury Regional Emergency Medical Services (MREMS) to the South Village Green neighborhood on a report of a drunken person who was threatening self-harm on Aug. 8. Police said the person was taken to Porter Hospital.
  • Were informed on Aug. 8 that a vehicle stolen from the Rogers Road area had been found in Burlington.
  • Assisted Middlebury firefighters at the scene of a transformer fire off Route 7 South on Aug. 9.
  • Spoke with a local resident on Aug. 9 who feared they were being stalked.
  • Responded to a report of an unruly patient at Porter Hospital on Aug. 9. Police said the patient had left upon their arrival.
  • Continued their investigation on Aug. 9 into the recent theft of items from a vehicle parked off Court Street. Police said the stolen items included a credit card that had been used fraudulently.
  • Investigated a hit-and-run incident involving two vehicles on Court Street Extension on Aug. 9.
  • Were informed of a possible vandalism incident at Friend Construction off Case Street on Aug. 9.
  • Received a report of loose horses on Route 7 North on Aug. 9.
  • Responded to a reported of an unwanted, drunken guest at a Jayne Court apartment on Aug. 10.
  • Responded to a report of a drunken man at a Court Street business on Aug. 10.
  • Responded, along with MREMS, to a report of a man in the Bakery Lane area who needed medical attention on Aug. 10.
  • Checked on the welfare of a man in the Route 7 South area who had been having mental health problems on Aug. 10.
  • Investigated a hit-and-run incident involving two vehicles on Bakery Lane on Aug. 10.
  • Investigated a reported domestic dispute at a Seymour Street residence on Aug. 11. Police determined no crime had occurred.
  • Cited Brian M. Sheldon for driving under the influence of drugs and driving with a suspended license, following a stop on Washington Street on Aug. 11.
  • Assisted a local resident who was dealing with a mental health crisis on Aug. 11.
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