
Letter to the editor: Why are Hardy and Bray being challenged by Elder?

We are incredibly fortunate to be represented by Senators Ruth Hardy and Chris Bray, two outstanding, widely-respected incumbents whose years of experience have earned them senior leadership positions in the state senate. Ruth’s colleagues in the senate have elevated her to chair of the influential Government Operations Committee; and Chris’s colleagues have long looked to him for leadership as chair of the critical Natural Resources Committee. Both have distinguished themselves with faithful, attentive service to their constituents, and we constituents have expressed our trust and gratitude by repeatedly reelecting them by wide margins.

All of which raises the question: why in the world would another Democrat contest their nomination in a primary? Why would we dismiss proven and experienced leaders with positions of senior leadership to nominate an untested candidate for senate? Are there ways in which Mr. Elder thinks our two senators have failed us? Has he grounds for doubting their prospects for reelection? Does he advance a set of positions significantly different than those they have championed over the years? You can scour Mr. Elder’s campaign materials, but you won’t find answers to any of these essential questions.

I urge my fellow citizens to send in their early ballots or go to the polls on August 13 to vote for Senators Chris Bray and Ruth Hardy. In fact, since turnout in our local primaries is notoriously low, please encourage your friends and neighbors to vote as well.

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