Letter to the editor: Vermonters need more balanced representation
Both the Vermont House of Representatives and the Vermont Senate are controlled by liberal-minded Democrats and Progressives.
Thank God that Conservative Governor Phil Scott is there attempting to restrain their exorbitant spending. I say attempting, but not very successful due to Veto overrides by the overwhelming Democratic House and Senate.
We need a more equitable balance in both Houses of the Vermont Legislature.
I support Steven Heffernan for the Vt. Senate. Steve is from a dairy farm background, a longtime member of the Army National Guard, where he has served two tours of combat in Afghanistan.
Steve is a longtime, respected businessman in Addison County and will bring to the Senate a balanced conservative reasoning in an attempt to curb the continued tax burden on Vermonters.
If you are content to continue with annual tax increases, by all means vote the status quo. If you desire to curb or restrict ongoing tax burdens and have more balance in the Senate, then I suggest you vote for Steven Heffernan.
Peter Norris Sr.
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