
Letter to the editor: Elder is the best example of a Vermont politician

I’ve known Caleb Elder since Kindergarten. We grew up in Bristol together, were classmates at Bristol Elementary and Mt. Abe, and have remained friends ever since. I remember being quite surprised (and impressed) when he became more active in local politics at a fairly young age. “You’re really going to sit through another Democratic committee meeting?” I would think to myself, wondering why he would want to do such a thing in his late 20s and early 30s.

As I have come to understand, Cal became involved because he cares enough about our home community to engage in the selfless drudgery of policy, debate, and compromise that shapes our laws. Fast forward a decade or two to the present, and I continue to be impressed with Caleb’s dedication to, and love for, this community and this State — even more so with his continued willingness and enthusiasm for work in the political landscape. I have come to see him as the very best example of a Vermont politician — community-minded, pragmatic, deeply connected to the land and ecology of our State, and perhaps most importantly, even-keeled and independent.

In a time when party lines are being sharpened like knives, Cal shows up with a fiddle, a pair of hiking boots, and a willingness to listen to the truth, regardless of which side of the aisle it comes from. Meanwhile in his back pocket he carries an impressive wealth of experience and knowledge about our working landscape, our wildlands, our education system, and our fuel and energy networks. This is just the sort of Vermonter we need in Montpelier, and I sincerely hope you’ll join me in voting for Caleb Elder for VT Senate!

Nate Gusakov


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