Letter to the editor: Bray has earned another term in the Senate
There have been many claims made by the candidates in the upcoming primary for Vermont statewide offices.
But there is one candidate that stands apart for the simple reason that he has actually gotten things done. Not made empty promises to “work on things” and not just spoken up on issues without actually resolving them or working hard to create solutions.
That candidate is State Senator Christopher Bray.
Look up the records of these candidates online. Dig deeper than who voted for what. Look for the person or committee that sponsored — and successfully negotiated and passed — bills.
Anyone can propose a bill. Anyone can say they “plan to work hard” or that they “support families, schools, and the environment.” But what do they have to show for these claims? What benefit have we, as constituents, received if these claims don’t become working laws?
Bray’s record of leadership — introducing, sponsoring, revising, and bringing bills successfully to the floor — is outstanding. In his years as our Senator from Addison County, he has successfully developed and passed more than 70 important laws that affect the environment, our farmers, housing, working families, and the health of our population and state. If you want real work done, I urge you to vote for Chris Bray in the upcoming primary on August 13th.
Christine Frandino
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