Letter to the editor: Former lawmaker endorses Olson for House seat
I’m asking you to join me in voting for Herb Olsen for State Representative in The Democratic Primary. You can vote now or any day until Primary Election Day on August 13th.
Herb has been a public servant for most of his career. He has served as legislative council which is the group of lawyers that write bills for all legislators regardless of party. As such he has listened to all the viewpoints in the legislature and helped figure out how the various proposals can help Vermonters. He believes that Universal Primary health care will not only improve access to primary doctors for all Vermonters it will also help reduce the out-of-control increase in health care costs.
Herb also believes in public education and is committed to improving the tax system that supports our schools. One of his opponents, the chair of the Lincoln School Board worked hard to lead that community to leave the Mt. Abe school district and privatize the education of Lincoln children after 7th grade. Even today, as she claims to be a public school supporter, she could lead Lincoln to send their children to public schools and stop the voucher system currently in use in Lincoln.
Dave Sharpe
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