Middlebury Police Log: Police recover stolen vehicle
MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police recovered a vehicle on South Pleasant Street on July 6 that had been reported stolen earlier from the South Burlington area. Middlebury police also identified all the occupants of the car and shared that information with the South Burlington PD.
In addition to conducting continuous patrols of the Bakery Lane area to monitor a local settlement of homeless persons, Middlebury police last week:
• Spoke with an individual on July 1 about an ongoing dispute between some Jackson Lane neighbors.
• Investigated a report of a driver leaving the scene of an accident on Washington Street on July 1.
• Checked on a report of a parent allegedly yelling at a child in the Weybridge Street area on July 2.
• Responded to a report of a man yelling and swearing downtown during the early evening of July 2.
• Investigated a report of “suspicious activity” in the Mill Street area on July 2.
• Began an investigation into an alleged assault occurring in front of a Washington Street business on July 2.
• Served a no-trespass order on July 2 on a person not wanted at Shaw’s Supermarket.
• Assisted in delivering help to a juvenile reportedly experiencing a mental health crisis in the Rogers Road area on July 3.
• Checked on a report of “transients” going through trash receptacles at the Jackson Lane apartments complex on July 3.
• Responded to a report of a vehicle being sideswiped while parked in The Centre shopping plaza lot on July 3.
• Assisted two local residents who reported being threatened on July 3.
• Investigated an alleged bear-dog incident in the Rogers Road neighborhood on July 3. Police said they saw neither animal.
• Assisted public works officials at the scene of a downed tree on Halladay Road on July 3.
• Assisted Middlebury Regional EMS on a medical call to Shaw’s Supermarket off Washington Street on July 3.
• Responded to a report of a dog allegedly left in a hot vehicle at Shaw’s on July 3.
• Assisted MREMS on a medical call in the North Pleasant Street area on July 3.
• Responded to a report of a dog allegedly left in a hot vehicle in the Porter Medical Center parking lot on July 3.
• Served court paperwork on a person in the Marble Works complex on July 3.
• Received a complaint about fireworks set off in the East Middlebury area on July 4.
• Arrested Henry Romp, 32, of Middlebury on two outstanding warrants, in the North Pleasant Street area on July 4. Police said he posted bail and was released on citation.
• Observed an open container violation in the Bakery Lane area on July 4.
• Investigated a petit larceny complaint off Golf Course Road on July 4.
• Assisted with a juvenile problem in the Rogers Road area on July 4.
• Assisted MREMS on a medical call to the College Street area on July 4.
• Conducted a welfare check on a man at a Buttolph Drive residence on July 4.
• Investigated a report of “suspicious behavior” behind Ilsley Library on July 4.
• Investigated a petit larceny complaint in the School House Hill Road area on Jul 4.
• Received a report that a loose dog had been struck be a vehicle on Route 7 South on July 4.
• Assisted MREMS during a welfare check on a Kings Row resident on July 5.
• Spoke with a local resident concerned on July 5 about “issues that are occurring on Bakery Lane.”
• Investigated an alleged theft from a Court Street store on July 5.
• Helped a person who reported receiving unwanted messages on July 5.
• Investigated a domestic disturbance at a Woodbridge Lane home on July 5. Police said the investigation is ongoing.
• Intervened in a domestic disturbance in the Perkins Lane area of East Middlebury on July 6.
• Received a report about possible “forged money” being found downtown on July 6.
• Received a report of a loose dog in the Bakery Lane area on July 6.
• Helped resolve a dispute among some Valley View Drive neighbors on July 6.
• Warned a man who wasn’t controlling his dogs in the Bakery Lane area on July 6.
• Responded to a report of people arguing on Main Street during the afternoon of July 6.
• Assisted Middlebury Recreation Facility officials with a houseless person who was allegedly causing a disturbance in the Creek Road building on July 6.
• Responded to a reported dispute between the co-owners of a MacIntyre Lane business on July 6.
• Took, to Porter Hospital, a man found injured and passed out on Maple Street on July 6.
• Received information about a local houseless person experiencing a mental health crisis in the downtown area on July 7.
• Received a request to ask houseless persons to leave the town green gazebo during a July 7 evening event.
• Responded to a report about an argument between some people behind Ilsley Library on July 7.
• Investigated a caller’s concern about “behavior in the downtown area” on July 8.
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