
Letter to the editor: Panton solar plan is a bad idea

The scale of the Panton solar proposal is out of character with the Vermont we all know and love. People live here and tourists flock here for the stunning natural beauty and idyllic rural landscapes. They come here to recharge and gain some peace of mind. 

The proximity of this solar proposal to Dead Creek WMA is alarming. The State has been buying up parcels of land for 75 years to create what is now a 3,140-acre natural reserve for many species — especially birds. Disturbing this migratory bird corridor would be tragic. I do not understand why the State would allow an out-of-state conglomerate to come here and pave 300 acres with a mega solar slab the size of 227 football fields merely as a cash grab. It truly is unfathomable.

Sharon Ashcraft


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