
Memorial Day ceremony planned for Bristol

Bristol’s American Legion Post 19 will host the 2023 Memorial Day Ceremony on the Village Green at 1 p.m. on May 29.

Post Commander Ron LaRose  will emcee a ceremony that will feature guest speaker 1st Lt. Robert Dornfried from the Vermont Army National Guard.

Lt. Dornfried’s current position is S2 Battalion Intelligence Officer, 572nd Brigade Engineer Battalion, 86th Infantry Brigade Combat Team and Operations Officer of the Vermont Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Assistance Support Element, Region 1 Homeland Response Force. He enlisted in 2017, was commissioned in 2019 and attended the Adjutant General Basic Officer Leaders Course in 2020. The lieutenant has been awarded two Army Achievement Medals.

Other duty assignments include Unit Victim Advocate, Master Resiliency Trainer and Unit Public Affairs Representative.

When not serving the country in the military, Lt. Dornfried’s civilian job is a high school history teacher at Rice Memorial High School in South Burlington.

Outside of his military obligations and his teaching assignment, Lt. Dornfried enjoys hiking, fishing, traveling and cultural immersion. Given these interests, it is not surprising that he lived in Austria for two years as an exchange teacher, and acquired an understanding of the language and culture of Austria.

Lt. Dornfried lives in Jericho with his wife, Sarah, and son John.

All are welcome at Bristol’s Memorial Day Ceremony.

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