
Middlebury Police Log: Local man cited for disorderly conduct

MIDDLEBURY — Middlebury police cited Matthew Hall, 45, of Middlebury for disorderly conduct, assault on a law enforcement officer and criminal threatening, following an incident on Bakery Lane at around 8:21 p.m. on Friday, May 5. 

Police said they took Hall to receive detox services in Rutland after citing him.

In other action last week, Middlebury police:

• Assisted state police on May 1 by preforming a DUI drug evaluation on a person troopers had arrested for that offense on Porter Drive.

• Assisted Middlebury Regional EMS (MREMS) on a medical call in the College Street area on May 1.

• Investigated a three-car crash, with no reported injuries, on Court Street on May 1.

• Assisted a woman in looking for a child who hadn’t arrived on the school bus on May 1.

• Responded to a vandalism complaint in the Frog Hollow area on May 1.

• Investigated a disorderly conduct complaint in Court Square on May 2. Police said two people had shoved each other during a verbal argument.

• Assisted MREMS on a medical call in the Daisy Lane area on May 2.

• Were informed of the theft of prescription paper from a printer at Porter Medical Center on May 3. Police said the case remains under investigation.

• Served a final stalking order on a Middlebury resident on May 3.

• Assisted Vermont State Police with a roadside DUI screening on Route 7 during the evening of May 4.

• Responded to a noise complaint at 1 Jayne Court during the evening of May 4.

• Investigated a hit-and-run accident at the intersection of College and Academy streets on May 4.

• Received a complaint about an alleged road-rage incident on Cross Street on May 4. The complainant said another driver had followed her, yelling at her about being an “aggressive driver.”

• Assisted with “juvenile issues” at Middlebury Union Middle School and Mary Hogan Elementary on May 4.

• Responded to a reported domestic-abuse situation at a Court Street residence on May 4. But Police said they found no evidence of such a crime at the home.

• Performed a DUI drugs evaluation of a driver who had been stopped in town by state police on May 4.

• Assisted MREMS with a drunken man who had fallen in the Jayne Court area on May 5.

• Helped local U.S. Postal Service staff with a man they said had been verbally abusive on May 5.

• Investigating a retail theft complaint at a Court Street store on May 5.

• Assisted state police with traffic control on College Street related to a May 5 funeral.

• Cited Maranda Aunchman, 22, of Middlebury with trespassing on a Court Street property on May 5.

• Issued a noise ordinance violation to the hosts of a loud gathering at 48 Washington St. at around 1 a.m. on May 6. Police said the complaints related to loud music and yelling coming from the address.

• Received a report about a potentially impaired driver in the Monarch Court area on May 6. Police determined the driver wasn’t impaired.

• Investigated reports of a loud party at 53 N. Pleasant St. during the afternoon of May 6. Police said the host shut the party down.

• Responded to a report of some “unruly” guests at the Middlebury Inn on May 6.

• Received a report on May 6 about a juvenile being injured by another juvenile who was using a pellet gun in the Munger Street area on May 6.

• Assisted a local resident who on May 7 reported receiving unwanted phone calls from a person.

• Received a report about an “irate” customer at the Maplefields store on North Pleasant Street on May 7.

• Responded to a complaint about a loud party at 14 Court St. at around 10:42 p.m. on May 7. Police said the party included loud music and people congregating outdoors.

• Restored the peace at a loud party at 14 Cross St. at around 1 a.m. on May 8.

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