
Letter to the editor: Recent property transfers article was misleading

Addison Independent printed an article entitled “Ferrisburgh Property Transfers” on March 30, 2023. In that article, my name and property transaction seem misconstrued. For the record, I am the fourth generation owner of this property, which has been held by my family since my great-grandparents purchased it in 1930. 

The “sale” you reference involved multiple generations of a family and the administration of an estate. This was not a “for-profit” sale and is not representative of local property values nor the value of this particular property as your article implied. It is not an indicator that the housing market is stabilizing. 

The amount of my sales transaction was a confidential matter kept private through our attorneys and does not appear in Ferrisburgh land records. I do not believe it was the place of Addison Independent to print the details of a private family land transaction or to eliminate material facts about the property transfer or value when doing so.

Rebecca Ambrose


Editor’s note: We apologize if the transfer appeared improperly in the newspaper. We make every effort to only include arms-length transaction in our property transfer reporting. Also, the sale price would not have appeared in our reporting if it did not appear in a public record.

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