Letter to the editor: More should have attended the Celebration of Life
On Saturday, April 8, a Celebration of Life was held at Middlebury Union High School in honor of Rebecca Ball, who was a senior student there. Those who organized the event did so beautifully. There were balloons in Becca’s favorite colors, purple and blue, as well as a guest book, and a card station to write farewell messages. Pictures of Becca were displayed with messages from dear friends. Food was served, and those who loved her spoke moving words about the spark that Becca brought to their life and how grateful they were to have known her. It was said that she was an amazing friend and was not afraid to tell you what she thought.
I attended the celebration not knowing Becca, but knowing that it was important for me to attend an event that honored the life of a community member and a young student. I know that many people in the community took part in searching for Becca over the course of a week. However, I was saddened and disappointed to see the lack of people attend this celebration. A very limited number of students and staff from the high school attended. Life happens and people have prescheduled plans, but it should have been a priority to show your respects to a fellow classmate and student.
As a teacher myself, if a student in my school passed away, I would have done whatever I could to attend the celebration and be there to support those who knew them, were friends with them, and loved them. You don’t need to be someone’s best friend or a part of their everyday life in order to show your respect to a life that was cut way too short. Reposting pictures on social media or wearing their favorite colors for school spirit does not hold the same value as showing up to celebrate the life that was lived and support those who were close to them and were present in their daily life. A reminder to always be kind to those around you and to support people in your community, even if you don’t know them personally.
Raven Payne
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