
Vergennes Police Log for Feb. 23

VERGENNES — A series of mostly non-criminal issues kept Vergennes police busy between Feb. 13 and 19, including a resident experiencing a mental health crisis, a challenging Vergennes Area Rescue Squad (VARS) patient, a gun report that proved to be a false alarm, an investigation of a death at a city residence, and aiding a Shaw’s Supermarket shopper with a mysteriously non-functional car-key fob. 

During those seven days Vergennes police conducted 13 traffic stops, two foot patrols, a VIN inspection and a property watch; responded to two false alarms; fingerprinted seven job applicants; and also:

On Feb. 13 issued a no-trespass order on behalf of a New Haven Road property owner, who suspected the person who received the order, and was being regularly picked up in his driveway, of drug trafficking.

On Feb. 14 on behalf of Vermont State Police went to the scene of a one-car crash on Route 7 in North Ferrisburgh. Police said the vehicle was totaled after drifting off the road and becoming wedged between a guard rail and some trees, and that they ticketed the New York driver for operating without a license.

On Feb. 15 issued a no-trespass order to a former resident of a New Haven Road property.

On Feb. 16 and 18 accompanied VARS to an Alden Place residence and stood by while EMTs dealt with an uncooperative patient that police said had called VARS multiple times in recent days.

On Feb. 16 accompanied Department for Children and Families personnel as they removed a child from a city residence.

On Feb. 17:

• Heard from a man that he was concerned that his ex-girlfriend’s father might cause him harm following their recent breakup.

• Were told that an employee of Vergennes Union High School had found a gun in the school’s safe; police learned shortly thereafter from another administrator that the gun was a starter pistol used for track and field events or swim meets.

• Were called by VARS to perform a death investigation when they discovered a deceased person at a High Street residence; police determined the passing was due to natural causes. 

On Feb. 17 and Feb. 19 dealt with a man struggling with mental health issues at a city home. During the first call police said they were able to calm him after he damaged furniture at the property. But the second incident was more serious: Police said VARS transported the man to Porter Hospital for treatment, including counseling, after he drank bleach. 

On Feb. 18 responded to a report of a man trying to break into a vehicle parked on Main Street. Police said it proved to be the vehicle’s owner, and they helped him enter it.

On Feb. 18 and 19 helped state police process drugged-driving suspects at the city station. In both cases a department Drug Recognition Expert determined it was likely, pending an evidentiary blood test, the suspects were under the influence of drugs while driving a vehicle, and in one case also under the influence of alcohol. City police said state police cited both suspects. 

On Feb. 19 helped a woman in the Shaw’s parking lot whose remote key fob refused to work. Police said they googled how to solve the problem and were then able to re-sync the key with the vehicle and help her on her way. 

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