Arts & Leisure
Get your pet a microchip
MIDDLEBURY — Homeward Bound, Addison County’s Humane Society, will offer their 2023 Rabies and Microchip Clinics again this year. The clinics are open to both dogs and cats and are offered on Saturdays from 10 a.m.-noon, on the following dates: Feb. 18, March 11, March 25, and April 8.
The clinics take place at the shelter, which is located at 236 Boardman Street in Middlebury. Shelter staff asks that all dogs be on leash and cats be in carriers for this event. Interested parties can call 802-388-1100 to pre-register. The service will be provided on a first come, first serve basis. The rabies vaccine is $15 and the cost of microchipping, which includes the microchip implant and initial registration, is $35.
Rabies is a deadly viral disease of the brain that infects mammals. In Vermont, rabies is most commonly found in wild animals, however the state requires that dogs and cats be vaccinated by a veterinarian. The owner of a dog must provide evidence of current rabies vaccination status to obtain the required municipal license by April 1 of each year.
A micro-chip is a very small electronic chip that is inserted under the skin between a pet’s shoulder blades that contains all of the owner’s contact information. Most veterinary offices and shelters have the ability to scan for this chip and quickly identify the owner. The entire process takes less than two minutes and is almost painless.
According to Homeward bound executive director Jessica Danyow, many animals in Addison County do not have microchips. In 2022, 164 stray animals entered the shelter but only 68 were reunited with their families. “We urge anyone whose dog or cat is not yet microchipped to take advantage of this low-cost option here at the shelter. It is truly the best way to safeguard a pet should they become lost,” she said.
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