
Letter to the editor: Independent state Senate candidate passes torch

To the 50%-plus mid-term voters of the Addison Senate race:

As of Sunday (Nov. 13) I’ve heard the number of votes I got as an Independent running for the Senate seat in the Addison District was 835 online, then I read in this newspaper that I had received 812 votes. So let us just call it 802 STRONG! That matters, Addison! What did we get? One-party control of Addison with career politicians! Does history repeats itself? Vermont folks back in.

1772 had the Crown declaring they knew best in creating good laws and bad, also protecting you; just give us your kids to fight our wars!

The 802 Strong voters understood that my main issue was term limits. Most likely these voters watched the only public forum (Sept. 22). This was not a debate of the Addison Senate race but a barnyard fest of Senate and House candidates. The only reason that community TV filmed it was that I pushed to see this happen. Also these voters most likely read the Addison Independent election guide in late October well after early voting began. In the guide where seven questions for the candidates, no debate. This was it for local democracy for a county Senate race! 

Now come January the first order of business by the one-party control with career politicians is a pay raise! Fancy that! I suggest we give them their needed pay raise, but as of now the job description will include more. Like county senators and reps being liable for election cycle county debates. For example, the Addison Senate District’s 25 towns need the two senators prior to early voting to lock in on five regional debates. Now debates matter for a healthy local democracy, plain and simple! So you 802ers start emailing and calling now — 802 Strong voters need to understand that prior to Lloyd and Bob being Republican candidates in the General Election I was poised to be in a three-way race for the two Senate seats. I first want you to know that Bob and Lloyd are great elderly gentlemen Vermonters, seeing their local democracy in trouble. And at their age they jumped into the race, which is a great act for local democracy!

As of this letter to all of you, I’m retiring in 2024 and forever. My opinion is that no one 70 years and older should run for elected office or hold office. As of now I’m passing the independent torch, I hope to see a serving 35ish Addison independent voter ready to be 100%-plus candidate in 2024 Addison Senate race. I’m here to provide insight of the behind-the-scenes Vermont politics and how independent candidates must fight hard.

For healthy local community democracy, these three goals:

1. Term limits (two terms)

2. Ranked-choice voting a must

3. Debates liability on elected incumbents.

If the controlling one party, lip service on protecting your local democracy wants to be true, they’ll show 1-2-3 can be in 2024!

So, 802 Strong voters began ringing the bells of freedom! 

I’m now retired from running. I’ll just be an old Vermont guy enjoying this paradise planet, wagging my finger at those wanting to destroy our Vermont paradise for their Disneymont!

Again, every Addison town showed 802 Strong; Thank You Vermont Independent voters!

Mason Wade 


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