
Letter to the editor: Elect Elmore as next sheriff

Here we are at election time for a new sheriff for Addison County. I have had the opportunity to watch Michael Elmore go from rookie police officer to supervisor to second in command and ultimately being asked to manage the entire sheriff’s department for several months now. When called upon, he slipped into that position flawlessly.

Mike is a born leader. The deputies follow his lead and together they are a great team. Having worked for three of the last sheriffs in Addison County, the qualities required for this job, integrity, compassion, intelligence and dedication, are prevalent in Mike.

When you cast your vote on Nov. 8 for Michael Elmore for Sheriff, you will have made the best choice. He will work for you, the residents of Addison County.

Jeanette Willey

Business Manager for

Addison County Sheriff’s Department

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